People have heard about Wicca and they are often curious about it. Not everyone believes in this man-made religion but those who start to believe feel like they can do anything that they will set their heart to. If you want to learn more about this, you need to check here There are details that you will find that will help you understand this religion further. At the same time, you can start learning some spells that will help you with your life.
What do you think is the origin of this religion? This started because a group of people realized that they are having a hard time connecting with nature. It is important for people to not lose touch with nature. The more connected they are, the more that they can regain their energy and strength. More information can become available when you consult with Spellcaster Maxim.
The group of people who started this religion, based what they have learned on basic European magic. Over the time that they were still trying to make this, they have made some changes to it depending on some primitive things that people understand. If you would notice, the rituals that need to be done will depend on the ingredients that come from nature and the cycle of the moon. They believe that male Wiccans need to seek help from god while female Wiccans would need help from goddesses. People who are into Wicca will eventually become sorcerers.
There are also some signs that Buddhism also affected how Wicca was formed. Wiccans believe that reincarnation exists. This is something that Buddhists believe in as well. Wicca is not based on some of the older religions which is why people who are highly religious are quick to shun this religion easily.
Even if you do not believe in this type of religion, remember that people are entitled to their own beliefs. If believing in Wicca makes them happy, there is no reason why you should burst their bubble unless they are already causing some harm because of their beliefs. You can become open-minded about this type of religion and even learn some of the available Wiccan spells. Who knows? You may end up being interested in these spells too.
Wicca Spell to Do for Love
Love is one of the things that people just love to experience. They say that love will give them the greatest feeling yet it can also give them the biggest heartbreak. If you want to know more about love spells that work, you need to contact Spellcaster Maxim soon. The sooner that you do it, the faster that you will get the results that you are looking for.
If you are planning to do the spell yourself, you need to know more about Wicca in general.
- Wiccan spells will only be successful if you are one with nature. You may need to spend some time in areas where you know that you can become close to nature. Take a walk in some parks near you. Take time to connect with nature because it will make a lot of difference. You can choose any type of nature that you want as long as it will have the power to energize and relax you.
- You need to connect with the supreme being that you consider to be the highest of high. This means that you can connect with a God or a Goddess. The rituals that Wiccans can do will depend on their gender.
- You need to create an altar. There are different articles that are available that will let you know how to create the best altar. One of the most important things that you need is a flat stone that you can wash with natural spring water. You need to let the stone dry under the sun. The moment that you see that it is dry, that is the time when you can use it as an altar.
- This is the time to start treating nature with care. You can be more conscious of the things that you consume in the environment. For example, you may segregate your trash properly and make sure that you will recycle things that can be recycled.
- It will be your preference what type of ritual you want to do depending on the weather. For example, if you prefer to do your rituals in sunny weather, then you may do that. Some would prefer the rain because they feel that the ritual that they are going to do is more appropriate for this. Make sure that the weather that you will choose can make you feel more energized to continue the ritual.
- Most people would say that the rituals you should do can only be performed during the waxing crescent moon. If you want to do some breaking apart spells, you can do this type of spell during the waning moon. The lunar cycle will also play a huge factor in how effective the spell is going to be.
- The full 24 hours during the full moon is considered to be the best time for most of the spells in Wicca. You can make the most out of it by doing some spells that can possibly change your life. If you need more help in learning the right spells to do, you can seek the help of a professional spell caster like Spellcaster Maxim.
- If you are feeling tired, anxious, confused, or just sad, now is not the best time to perform any ritual. You are going to bring the energy that you have to the spell that you are doing. You want to do something that will have the power to energize you. You do not need something that will wear you out further. This may also be a sign that the ritual that you are planning to do may hurt you.
You can consult with a fortune teller if you want to know if the ritual that you are creating can be helpful for you or not.
Wiccan Love Spells Targeted for One Specific Person
There are some Wiccan spells that will work well when you already know who the spell is for. This can be someone that you have known for a long time. It may also be a person whose life you have touched. You need to be sure that you have a connection with this person. These are other important requirements:
- The person you are targeting for the love spell should be single.
- The person is not committed to someone else.
- The person should not be married or separated.
- The person is nice and kind.
- The person has the potential to be a great partner and eventually, lover.
- The person does not have disorders that can affect his/her energy.
- The person does not abuse illegal substances.
- The person is generally happy and is not having suicidal thoughts.
- If you are trying to target a woman, you need to make sure that you are not targeting someone who is pregnant.
One of the differences between Wiccan rituals with the usual ritual is there is no need to use pictures. What you will be using instead is hair. Other times, you can also use a worn piece of clothing. Make sure that the piece of clothing has not been washed yet.
You need to set up an altar and make sure that you have enough spring water. You also need to light up three candles. Go to a tree and apologize while you are breaking off a twig from the tree. Explain that you have to do it because you have no choice. You need to wrap the twig inside the piece of clothing. Put this piece in the middle of the altar while saying your spell.
Another item that you need is a bowl made out of clay. Make sure that it is burned but not colored. You can also use a wooden or silver bowl as long as there are no decorations or inscriptions written on the bowl. Now is the time that you are going to place the name of the person that you are targeting. If you are using a clay bowl, you can use charcoal to write. Your name should be written on the other side of the bowl.
You can use your hand to fill the bowl with spring water. If it rains, you can also use rainwater. You cannot use the bowl to get the water from lakes or other natural sources because there is a big chance that you will wash off the names that you have written. The altar should be placed in an area wherein the sun or the moon will be reflected.
While it is okay to cast spells during rainy weather, remember that it is not recommended to cast spells in the middle of a typhoon. It will also not be effective if there are some natural disasters that are happening while you are casting the spell. Other spells may be effective for this weather but if you are trying to make someone notice you or love you, you can wait for the time when the weather is more ideal.
Take the bowl with your hands and make sure that the liquid inside the bowl will reflect the sun or the moon. You need to raise the bowl over your head and walk around the area like you are collecting the positive energy in the area. You would also say the following:
“Oh, Great Lord! You rule this world, this water, this air, and everyone living here. You’re in control of our thoughts and actions, wishes, and dreams. You encourage people to do good and you prevent them from doing evil. I’m not asking you for anything bad. I’m not going to do anything bad, I’m not going to curse anyone or make anyone suffer. My intentions are pure, my heart is filled with love. I fell in love with (the target’s name) and I love you with all my heart, with every cell of my body. I can’t imagine my life without this person loving me. So, Great Lord, I beg you to help me. You hold keys to all hearts, including the heart of (the target’s name). Please come up to my altar and feel it and I’ll do my best to help you feel it. Open the heart of my loved one with your key and put love into it, as strong as my love. For him to recognize me, please fill this cup with the magic of your greatness. Fill me with your power and the glow of eternal nature. Awaken strength in me to keep my loved one with me after you bring him to me. You’re the only one I’m asking for help. I don’t count on anyone else. I believe you won’t abandon me and give me the love I need to live.”
Now is the time that you should drink the water coming from the bowl. Finish the spell that you are doing specifically for this person. You should finish the ritual at the altar that you created. This is the time when you should wait for the candles to burn. The moment that the candles do burn, you should not remove the residue from the altar. Allow the altar to remain the same and eventually become part of nature. This is also the time when you can call on the great God or Goddess depending on your gender.
Wicca Binding Spell to Try
This is a type of binding spell. There are some people who try to do this spell for an ex-lover. It can also be different when someone has feelings for you. This means that you are not completely free because someone else has a hold on you. You may want to have an opportunity to free yourself from another person so that you can be ready to start creating a bond with someone else again.
A special spell can be done to be free from some past relationships and past connections with other people that you do not want to be connected with anymore. There is no need to create an altar for this but you need a special type of Wiccan knife. The handle of the knife should be white if you or your target has never been married. It should be black if you or your target person is married and you would like to break off the energy from that marriage.
There is one thing that you should remember: Wiccan love spells will only make use of white magic. If you are trying to target someone who is happily married, the spell will not work. You have no business trying to ruin a happy marriage. When you know that someone is already linked to someone else, the best thing to do is to let things go. You will be greatly rewarded by the universe if you make this sacrifice. There is a big chance that you will meet someone else after who is free and can love you fully.
Using Wiccan magic on people who are already happy might make you happy but it will cause the demise of a perfectly okay relationship. If you are having some trouble assessing if the things that you want to do is worth the risk, you may consult with Spellcaster Maxim. The more details that you know, the better that you will understand what may happen.
To do the ritual, you have to be in nature again. It is best to be in an area where you can see the stars. Remember that you should not be seen by anyone. If anyone sees you accidentally, the spell will not work. You can scout for the area ahead of time. This means that while the sun is still up, you are going to look for an area plus all of the materials that you need. You need to look for four stones. Two of the stones will represent your past relationship while the other stones will represent your target and what you want to achieve.
The relationship stones should be connected with the use of a natural string while the stone that can represent you should be placed on the palm of your hand. Allow the natural string with the stones to hang in the air for a certain time. After some time, you can cut the string and allow the stones to fall to the ground. The string will then be used to tie the stones that represent you. Wrap the shirt that you are wearing to the stones. You need to put the bundle away when you go home
You will know if the spell is working depending on how you feel in the morning. For example, if you feel happy and energetic, this is a sign that the spell is working. If you feel tired and sad, the spell that you have created is not working. The best thing to do at this point is to check the information about Wiccan spells that you can find here. You can double-check if you have done everything well.