we’re going to talk about evil eye amulets in this article. evil eye is something that i think everyone at some point has said, i think that person is hating on me or they they have the eye for me i call it the green eyed monster personally. but everyone has felt the vibrations of someone
or people places i wouldn’t say places but people really watching them or being jealous of them being envious of something that they have.
I’ve heard people say oh yeah you know i got a new purse, you know I got this new designer purse and the person was like ,you got a new bag those are expensive, are you man he drives a
really nice car or even children are affected by the evil eye.
so a lot of parents, in certain traditions they will put jet on the children to be a protection because too many people looking at their baby, too many people wanting to touch them so all of these different things generate energy right so i give you an example. someone who got a new ride and they and all of a sudden, everyone was talking about this car continuously oh the car
the car the car the car the this and i was like okay let’s see how long it takes for there to be an issue what happens a person got in a car accident which is horrible. why because they sacrificed so much money to be able to get this vehicle so everyone at some point has either been a victim of evil eye or maybe have given even lie to somebody else.
so all kinds of amulets can be used for this purpose but the amulet that we’re going to talk about
today that a lot of people see and purchase and wear um comes from turkey and greece in the 4th century the evil eye became really popular in greek tradition and in turkey. similarly so some people will say that it was first started in turkey and then adopted in greece.
Evil eye is a really good pendant that you can wear on your necklace,bracelet or ring.it’s excellent to put evil eye items in your vehicle and in your office you guys that are going to work.that you have a space an office a cubicle or whatever fantastic this is a hanging one right you can put This hanging in your office or in your home because we sell them that they can be wall hangings like this is a wall.
Most evil eye are made out of glass, one thing i really enjoy about evil eye jewelry is that it usually is made out of something real and it’s rare that you see the eye itself to be plastic
or it’s made out of some kind of real material but i can’t tell it’s not in plastic i just don’t see it a lot that way this one i especially like but it’s maybe a little bit too much for some People.
There are many kinds of evil eye bracelets from umisoul you can wear, it’s got elastic can take it on and off you could even hang it on something if you wanted to these are really nice because you can use it for a child. right it’s nice and small we sell bracelets for children also but you know for people who go to work or are in places that they don’t really want people to kind of notice just with the little string is fantastic as you can see here it comes in different colors comes in black red yellow green whatever your preference is but the traditional color. The blue is the traditional color that it was started with so we’ve got red i’ve seen it brown i’ve seen it green all different colors. here’s a beautiful little bracelet that has one again you’ll see it like jewelry even though it’s an amulet still does the same job and here’s a beautiful necklace. I keep saying necklace i’m not sure what that’s about today maybe because i needed to put my necklace on
um here’s a bracelet and this one’s awfully pretty right it’s really really nice so
lots of ways that you can wear the evil eye amulet without people really noticing.
You also can put it as a pin on your clothes a pendant,put it on your bag. sometimes people have little earrings with the eye, so the eye is something that has been across all different traditions
in egypt, so this eye concept is considered as the holy eye the holy protection.
I hope you got some ideas about how to take care of yourself, how to protect yourself from evil eye.Remember you are blessed no matter how many evil eyes are looking at you, nothing’s going to stop your process.